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The book was finally published in 2007 although it was ready for publishing in 2000. The delay was due to the opposition of mainstream science, more exactly no editor was interested to publish such material; and of course I did not have the money to support a self publishing up to 2007. 

The microcosm is not a field of science where some scientists build paradoxes and others try to explain them. The physic of microcosm is an exact science and possesses its law. The forward text will map a new physical and mathematical model for the atom and molecule world and implications of this model in other branch of physic and chemistry. Being the first description in a deterministic manner of microcosms, the book will focus more on model possibility to explain varied phenomena and less on the mathematical description. In any case the future detailed description will not require advanced knowledges in mathematical field. There is also another motivation for some absence in mathematical description, more precisely, lack of original data. It is not possible to use already altered date for a new description of phenomena.
For the 'theoretical physicists' which build for every phenomenon a new theory some experiments are proposed. These experiments are called, the 'ten euro experiments', because these are the investments necessary to make the experiments home.
Some 'fundamental' paradoxes of atomism (like Schrodinger cat, in vogue Einstein-Podolsky-de Rosen paradox, Bell theorem, etc.) aren't presented because in the new model these not exist. After reading the book it is the case to ask himself if the fundamental idea of quantum mechanic expressed in the following question:'Does the moon change because a mouse looks at it?' can have a positive answer. Actual quantum mechanic says 'yes'; the moon can change if a mouse looks at it. The proposed theory says 'definitely no'.
